Kamis, 27 September 2018

100 Coalitions

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4.44 AM · 26 Sep 2018
I had a very good meeting with President Macri. We are close to the finish line in terms of reaching a revised staff-level agreement between Argentina and the IMF, which will be subject to approval of our Executive Board.

Music is Life! Artists are our creative souls! Connecting #Music #Artists to #Producers and Fans. #musiclover #indieartist support. #musicbiz

The Night Comes From Us


25 Sep 2018
Poppie Mphuthing
Editorial Lead, Global Leadership Fellow, World Economic Forum
Jenny Soffel
Digital Lead, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, World Economic Forum
1. We announced 100 Coalitions accelerating climate action and sustainable development
2. Vice-President Al Gore, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and California Governor Jerry Brown: Everyone needs to do their part to save the environment
3. We announced the Social Entrepreneurs of the Year 2018
4. Finding the financing needed to deliver the SDGs is challenging, but not impossible

Meet the 100 Coalitions accelerating climate action and sustainable development

100 Coalitions Raise Ambition for Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals at Impact Summit

8.34 PM · 25 Sep 2018
Film fiksi ilmiah Indonesia TENGKORAK karya dosen UGM ditayangkan khusus di Balinale. Tunggu di bioskop utk umum mulai 18/10

5.09 AM · 26 Sep 2018
Champions of sustainable development take stock and outline an effective road map for action as the second Sustainable Development Impact Summit comes to a close.
@Asteiner @borgebrende

About the Sustainable Development Goals

11.46 PM · 26 Sep 2018
Ada momen dimana saya diberitahu bahwa ukuran hidup adalah UANG, saya ikut. Ada juga masa dimana saya diperingatkan bahwa ukuran hidup adalah KEKUASAAN (POLITIK), saya tetap oke. Apapun pengukurannya, toh semua saya jalani dengan kapasitas saya yang ORANG BIASA ini. #40Diaries
Uniknya, pembelajaran tentang BERSERAH DIRI justru saya kumpulkan keping demi keping dari pengalaman hidup. Kadang membentuk sebuah PUZZLE, kadang malah ABSURD tak terdefinisikan. Saya rasa, inilah yang menarik.

26 Sep 2018 | Kate Whiting | Senior Writer, Formative Content
1. The world is becoming less peaceful
2. The nature of conflict is changing
3. Violence costs the world vast amounts of money
4. 1% of the world’s population is now displaced or refugees

26 Sep 2018 | Andrej Bicanski | Research Associate in Computational Neuroscience, UCL
NOTE: I asked to myself… Is #neuroscience as a part of #nanotechnology? #4iR #ArtificialIntelligence

Vira Yuniar? Fotografi kayak gini kalo di-film-kan berkesan kayak jadul atawa Eropa. #rasanya

Baik atau buruknya relasi di masa sekarang ditentukan oleh #kualitas relasi di masa lampau.
CATATAN: Rasanya ini yang paling pas. Gila, semalaman nyari ketemunya malah di sini.
KESIMPULAN: Hampir bisa dipastikan bahwa saya sudah melewati fase ini. Kuncinya ada di kalimat, “Berdamai dengan Masa Lalu”.
KESIMPULAN (2): Berdasarkan pengalaman, justru saya menemukan mindset seperti ini dari seorang teman (perempuan) yang beragama Katolik (dulu). Membaca link di atas membuat saya teringat kembali mindset tersebut.
CATATAN (2): Ini pembahasan psikologi, nggak ada urusan dengan perbedaan agama.

Kapan lagi mention Pak @Jokowi dan Pak @Prabowo dalam satu tweet? Mumpung belum HOT!

Play with ME, not with your cell phones!

@Forbes and #UsingReplyForALink
NOTE: Thank you!
