Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

Menjadi Murni

Al Quran Indonesia


My Notification

10.55 AM · 26 Mei 2018
"For the peace of our world,
the prosperity of our world,
the future of our world,
there is no better investment than in education." -- @antonioguterres

1.11 PM · 27 Mei 2018
Kesempatan terakhir untuk #SahabatDikbud dan #SahabatBahasa #KongresBahasaIndonesiaXI #CintaBahasaIndonesia

5.55 PM · 27 Mei 2018
Forum Leader’s Talk: Apa Kabar Reformasi Birokrasi? Serial diskusi untuk knowledge sharing dan diseminasi publik tentang berbagai praktik baik dan progress Reformasi Birokrasi yang sudah dicapai selama masa pemerintahan Jokowi-JK.

10.52 PM · 27 Mei 2018
#Infoiptekdikti: Inovasi Pengikat Limbah Merkuri Karya Mahasiswa UGM

4.00 AM · 28 Mei 2018
This is what happens in an #internet minute in 2018

8.13 AM · 28 Mei 2018
Pagi #Healthies!
Sudah memasuki hari ke - 12 bulan #Ramadhan semangatnya nggak kendor kan? 😉
Semoga #Ramadhan mu penuh dengan berkah 😊
Salam sehat! Sehat Indonesia

8.30 AM · 28 Mei 2018
Selamat Hari Kebersihan Menstruasi sedunia, #SahabatDikbud! Tema tahun ini adalah "Edukasi Kebersihan Menstruasi Berdayakan Perempuan". #MHD2018

9.58 AM · 28 Mei 2018
Jangan ketinggalan ngobrol bareng @lalatimothy, Produser #WiroSableng di @DreamersRadioID. Hari ini, Pk. 11.00 WIB

10.00 AM · 28 Mei 2018
This flight from #Singapore to New York is set to become the longest in the world

10.12 AM · 28 Mei 2018
Nantikan IPB Quiz Perdana Pada Tanggal 1 JUNI 2018

10.29 AM · 28 Mei 2018
Ingat! buat password yang rumit tapi tidak berbelit.
pastikan panjang, mudah diingat, namun ditebak sulit.

11.28 AM · 28 Mei 2018
Waspada HOAX! Beredar gambar yang mengatakan bahwa terdapat gudang penyimpanan KTP-el palsu. Info tsb dipastikan TIDAK BENAR!
Gudang milik Kemendagri di Bogor digunakan untuk menyimpan berbagai macam dokumen. KTP-el hanya sebagian kecil dari dokumen yg disimpan di gudang.

4.22 PM · 29 Mei 2018
Our new book for June has just been announced: "A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea" by @melissarfleming from @Refugees.


Nomina (kata benda) sifat mementingkan diri sendiri: tiap orang, besar atau kecil, ada keakuan nya
#Ujub (berbangga diri)

Seorang ulama yang bernama Sufyan Ats Tsauri pernah berkata, “Sesuatu yang paling sulit bagiku untuk aku luruskan adalah niatku, karena begitu seringnya ia berubah-ubah.” Niat yang baik atau keikhlasan merupakan sebuah perkara yang sulit untuk dilakukan.

CATATAN: Saya merasa sering terjebak ujub, mungkin pertanda bahwa ke-ikhlas-an saya sedang diuji. Semoga Allah memaafkan!

Imam Al-Ghazali pernah ditanya, “Apa mungkin para ulama (para dai) saling berselisih?” Ia menjawab,” Mereka akan berselisih jika masuk pada kepentingan dunia.”

Dan obat hati yang paling mujarab hanya ada dalam satu kata ini: ikhlas.

Seseorang yang ikhlas ibarat orang yang sedang membersihkan beras (nampi beras) dari kerikil-kerikil dan batu-batu kecil di sekitar beras.

TAZKIYATUN NAFS (penyejuk hati)
karya Dr.Ahmad Farid
Makna IKHLAS secara lughowi (bahasa) diambil dari kata خلص-يخلص yang maknanya “menjadi murni”.

Seorang saleh berkata kepada dirinya sendiri, “Wahai jiwaku, ikhlaskan dirimu, niscaya kau akan terlepas dari jerat setan.”

Minggu, 27 Mei 2018 | 04:45 WIB
Penulis: Agni Vidya Perdana
Editor: Agni Vidya Perdana
Sumber: AFP, Kyodo News
Sepasang Melon Terjual Rp 413 Juta dalam Lelang di Jepang. Lelang yang digelar di Pasar Pusat Penjualan Sapporo tersebut merupakan acara tahunan setiap musim panen.
CATATAN: Bisa kita mainkan ini nanti.

Minggu 27 Mei 2018, 15:52 WIB
Andi Saputra - detikNews
Gaji mereka diatur berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 42/2018 tentang Hak Keuangan dan Fasilitas Lainnya Bagi Pemimpin, Pejabat, dan Pegawai Badan Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila. Perpres Nomor 42/2018 itu ditandatangani Presiden Joko Widodo pada 23 Mei 2018 kemarin.

Minggu, 27 Mei 2018 | 16:59 WIB
Penulis: Andri Donnal Putera
Editor: Laksono Hari Wiwoho
Enggak, enggak senang. Kalau saya senangnya yang Rp 1.894 triliun itu jadi Rp 3.000 triliun, tapi belanjanya Rp 2.200 triliun sehingga saya bisa nabung," kata Sri Mulyani.

1.02 AM · 29 Mei 2018


Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015)

SHAUN is the main character of the series and the leader of the flock. He is a clever sheep and keeps his head. He has a good friendship with Bitzer and very smart. @getFANDOM

TRUMPER, is a primary antagonist of the movie, and acts as an egomaniac and animal warden with a hatred for all animals, and is the Flock’s nemesis as they make their way through the Big City.

THE FARMER is a ketty, drum-and-bass-loving Welshman who runs the farm with Bitzer at his side. He is completely oblivious to the human-like intelligence of his flock. His disastrous attempts at dating are an ongoing joke of the series.

BITZER is the strict and loyal dog of the farmer, and Shaun's friend. He can neglect his duties, but he enlists the help of Shaun and the Flock to fix any mishaps and is determined to please The Farmer.

STARE DOG, a Dog that stares down at everyone who gets close to him, even without breaking a single eye contact.


Shaun, a mischievous sheep living with his flock at MOSSY BOTTOM FARM, is bored with the routine of life on the farm. He concocts a plan to have a day off by tricking the farmer into going back to sleep by counting his sheep repeatedly. @wikipedia

1. Shaun’s Staycation @MovieClips

However, the caravan in which they put the farmer to bed accidentally rolls away, taking him all the way into the city. Bitzer, the farmer's dog, chases after him.

2. Runaway Farmer

Meanwhile, the sheep find life impossible without the farmer, so Shaun sneaks onto a bus to the city; to his surprise, the rest of the flock follow him on another bus. They manage to disguise themselves as people and begin looking for the farmer, but Shaun is captured by Trumper, an overzealous animal-control worker.

3. Sheep in Human Clothing

4. Dog Doctor

The farmer receives a blow to the head and is taken to a hospital, where he is diagnosed with AMNESIA before leaving.

5. Lunch Fiasco

Shaun is reunited with Bitzer in the animal lock-up…

6. Shaun in The Slammer

...and with the help of a homeless dog named Slip they manage to escape while imprisoning Trumper.

7. a Familiar Tune

They find the farmer, but he does not recognize Shaun, who is heartbroken.

Feeling unwanted, Shaun, Bitzer, and the flock make a makeshift home in an alley. Their spirits are revived when they stumble upon evidence of the farmer's memory loss. They devise a plan which involves putting the farmer to sleep again, returning him to the trailer on a pantomime horse (really the flock of sheep in an elaborate disguise)...

8. The Sheep Horse

...and hooking the trailer up to a bus returning to Mossy Bottom. The plan is initially successful, but they are pursued by Trumper (having escaped the lock-up), who is now intent on killing them outright.

9. Escaping The City

At the farm, the group hides in a shed. Trumper, using a tractor, tries to push the shed into a nearby rock quarry.

10. Defeating Trumper


Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

Don’t Breathe (2016)

ROCKY's dream of moving to California with her little sister, Diddy, to escape their abusive mother and her alcoholic boyfriend. @wikipedia

ALEX is Rocky’s friend.

MONEY is the one who have info about 300,000 USD in Norman’s house. I guess, he is arrogant.

NORMAN NORDSTROM is a blind man and Former U.S. Army veteran. Living in an abandoned Detroit neighborhood has 300,000 USD in cash in his house.

Rocky, Alex, and Money approach the house to get 300,000 USD, but the noise wakes up the Blind Man.

1. Robbery Gone Wrong

Blind Man kills Money.

2. The Secret in The Basement
In this clip, there’s CINDY ROBERTS who  killed Norman’s daughter in a car accident. Norman kidnap Cindy to give him a new child. I like this character, cause “no dialogue”. And I love this plot cause “logic”, its make Norman taste like “not villain”.

3. Blind Man with a Gun

4. Lights Out
How they visualize dark scene, its unique.

5. a Way Out
6. a Thief’s End

7. a Fair Exchange
Cindy took my child away from me. I thought it's only fair that she give me a new one. She was pregnant with my baby. You killed 'em both. Or they would be alive if you hadn't broken into my home. You have to be held accountable… (Norman to Rocky) @getFANDOM

8. The Turkey Buster
NOTE: This is unique scene. Surprise, cause its unpredictable for me.

9. Trapped in a Car
Good scene to make dramatic.

10. Rocky’s Revenge
