Selasa, 09 Oktober 2018

Minister of State for Happiness and Wellbeing

#KemenkesPeduliSulteng use #UsingReplyForALink
Berdasarkan laporan lapangan per 7 Oktober 2018 pukul 10.00, terdapat 70.821 pengungsi di 141 titik lokasi pengungsian.

Ahead of the #IMFYouth event, can you let us know of the Biggest challenges facing #youth when looking for a #job

Eric talks about how great leaders are great storytellers because narrative is how we learn. | How Google teaches its leaders to lead

The term #GrossNationalHappiness was coined in 1972 during an interview by a British journalist for the Financial Times at Bombay airport when the then king of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, said "Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross National Product." @wikipedia
The moment, when I tried to understand about this topic. Its about my studied at #EconomicDevelopment. That’s why I joined @wef.
Honestly, I am surprise now. Cause there is MINISTER OF STATE FOR HAPPINESS AND WELLBEING from the United Arab Emirates Cabinet, which oversees the UAE plans, programs and policies to achieve a happier society.
This is another term… #HappinessEconomics which (typically) combining ECONOMICS with other fields such as PSYCHOLOGY, HEALTH and SOCIOLOGY.

31 Aug 2018
Karen Newbigging
Senior Lecturer, University of Birmingham
Teaching children to be resilient could be key to their future mental health

Dari definisi-definisi di atas disimpulkan bahwa padan istilah resilience yang paling tepat adalah anjal.

30 Apr 2018
Dalia Fahmy
Associate Professor of Political Science, LIU Brooklyn

Dalam konsep 4 sehat 5 sempurna, makanan dibagi atas empat sumber nutrisi penting, yaitu makanan pokok, lauk pauk, sayur-mayur, buah-buahan, dan disempurnakan dengan susu bila mampu, menjadi lima sempurna.
Jika dikelompokkan, sumber makanan dalam Pedoman Gizi Seimbang terbagi tiga, yaitu:
Sumber energi/tenaga : Padi-padian, umbi-umbian, tepung-tepungan, sagu, jagung, dan lain-lain.
Sumber zat pengatur : sayur dan buah-buahan
Sumber zat pembangun : ikan, ayam, telur, daging, susu, kacang-kacangan dan hasil olahannya seperti tempe, tahu, oncom,susu kedelai.

Baru pada tahun 2009 secara resmi PGS diterima masyarakat, sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Kesehatan No 36 tahun 2009 yang menyebutkan secara eksplisit "Gizi Seimbang" dalam program perbaikan gizi.

#ZAKAT (meaning to grow in purity) is an annual payment of 2.5 percent of one’s assets, considered by many as the minimum obligation of their religious giving.

17 Sep 2018
Min Min Zhu
Chairman, National Institute of Financial Research
But it took Malaysia and Thailand six years, Turkey eight years, and Indonesia and Argentina a decade to return to pre-crisis conditions.
Keywords: #ConfidenceFairy #EconomyImmunity

The Zombie Confidence Fairy

This is how @Pinot created his pixel animation of "This is America."


Citimall Prabumulih (Cek tanggal 8 Oktober 2018 | 14.40)

Liam dan Laila
Munafik 2
The Origin of Santet

3 flm tayang mulai Kmis 11/10; spin-off urban-horor #Asih komedi romantis duren #KesempatanKeduda, komedi situasi musikal #MenungguPagi

#ASIH sut @awisuryadi. 1980, Puspita dibawa suaminya ke pedalaman, dan mulai dibayangi arwah penasaran yg mengincar bayinya. Dulu Asih membenamkan bayi-haramnya sampai tewas. Keseraman mencekam 37 thn sebelum #Danur. Mulai 11/10

#Sakral 300.129
#Arwah 200.577
#BelokKananBarcelona 161.263
#SomethinginBetween 141.427
#Aruna&Lidahnya 115.075
#TheOriginofSantet 102.357
#BacoBecce 82.048
#Liam&Laila 23.366