Rabu, 25 April 2018


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Sudah sepuluh tahun di Amerika Serikat berarti sudah sepuluh perayaan Hari Kartini di Indonesia yang saya lewatkan.

Minggu, 22/04/2018 15:38
"Tapi artinya belum tentu juga mendukung Prabowo (Subianto). Seperti diajarkan Pak SBY, anything can happen in politics," kata Roy di acara tersebut.
Senin, 23/04/2018 14:44
Pihak Istana Kensington mengumumkan Kate Middleton telah melahirkan anak ketiganya dengan Pangeran William di London, Senin (23/4) waktu setempat. (REUTERS/Toby Melville)

Senin, 23/04/2018 19:00
Yuli Yanna Fauzi, CNN Indonesia
Kwik menilai bahwa Bank Century memang sudah berada pada kondisi sakit sejak dibentuk dari hasil merger tiga bank. Tiga bank tersebut, yaitu Bank Pikko, Bank Danpac, dan Bank CIC.
Selasa, 24/04/2018 16:33
"Untuk menang kembali itu seperti mission imposible," ujar Amien.
CATATAN: Buahahahaha… Oke. Seru ini.

Selasa, 24/04/2018 18:56
Bimo Wiwoho, CNN Indonesia
"Kalau kerjaan seperti itu orang kita pun bisa mengerjakannya," tutur Yusril.
Rabu, 25/04/2018 08:35
Prima Gumilang & Ihsan Dalimunthe, CNN Indonesia
Sejauh ini, belum ada tanggapan dari pihak Istana terkait kabar pertemuan tersebut.

11.05 AM · 25 Apr 2018
For user like me, sometimes need simple language to understand this implementation.


24 Nov 2017
Duncan Blake
PhD candidate, law and military uses of outer space, University of Adelaide
Dale Stephens
Professor of Law, University of Adelaide

Communications satellites are applied not just for direct broadcast television, but also to enable many terrestrial networks. In remote areas of the world, they may be the only means of communication.

The first Gulf War in 1991 has often been called the first space war, though it wasn’t actually fought in outer space.

The MILAMOS project is led by three universities: Adelaide here in Australia, McGill in Canada, and Exeter in the UK. It received some funding from the Australian and Canadian governments, as well as from private donors.

To learn more, visit our #Geostrategy page: http://wef.ch/geostrategy


Reward Hard Work rather than Wealth
NOTE: @Winnie_Byanyima is another person who focus on #equality.


10 Jan 2018
Adam Jezard
Formative Content
The Red World – innovation rules
The Blue World – corporate is king


A-ha Moment from Randiz

5.26 PM · 23 Apr 2018
LOL #Radiohead

9.00 PM · 23 Apr 2018
Yo Yo Man…

Sementara tinggalkan semua aturan yang kadang trlalu mengikat dan tak beralasan teman.

9.42 PM · 23 Apr 2018
Foto ini diambil tanggal 18 Maret 2018 pukul 22.13 WIB. Karena malam, saya pakai flash di gawai. Saya kurang paham kenapa bisa jadi begini hasilnya, setelah dicermati, unik juga.


4.15 PM · 25 Apr 2018
Who and what is 'civil society'?