Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

Make a Little Space, Make a Better Place

Global Destiny
Strengthening Cooperation in a Fractured World

Dalam istilah lain, geostrategi disamakan dengan ketahanan nasonal, yaitu kondisi kehidupan nasional yang harus diwujudkan. Kondisi kehidupan nasional itu dibina secara berkesinambungan dari mulai pribadi, keluarga, lingkungan, daerah dan nasional sehingga menciptakan satu ketahanan nasional yang tangguh.

Realpolitik (dari bahasa Jerman: real "realistik", "praktis", atau "aktual"; dan Politik "politik", pengucapan bahasa Jerman: [ʁeˈaːlpoliˌtiːk]) merujuk pada politik atau diplomasi yang lebih didasarkan pada kekuatan dan faktor-faktor dan pertimbangan praktis dan material.

Politically, new and divisive narratives are transforming governance.

Economically, policies are being formulated to preserve the benefits of global integration while limiting shared obligations such as sustainable development, inclusive growth and managing the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Socially, citizens yearn for responsive leadership; yet, a collective purpose remains elusive despite ever-expanding social networks.

Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place

The World Islamic Economic Forum Foundation is an international non-profit organisation that administers and organises the annual WIEF.

Australia for UNHCR is dedicated to providing life-changing humanitarian support to refugees, displaced and stateless people.

Proyek Ganesha merupakan kompetisi menulis artikel bertopik ilmu sosial di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia yang diselenggarakan oleh Wikimedia Indonesia dan didukung oleh Goethe-Institut Jakarta.
Untuk mendaftarkan diri menjadi peserta Proyek Ganesha, mohon mengisi data-data lengkap Anda melalui formulir ini.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi https://bit.ly/ProyekGanesha atau kirimkan surel ke: ganesha@wikimedia.or.id.

Bayam (Amaranthus spp.) merupakan tumbuhan yang biasa ditanam untuk dikonsumsi daunnya sebagai sayuran hijau. Tumbuhan ini berasal dari Amerika tropik namun sekarang tersebar ke seluruh dunia. Tumbuhan ini dikenal sebagai sayuran sumber zat besi yang penting.

Walaupun sering disebut "bayam," sebetulnya Spinacia berbeda dengan bayam yang dikenal. Rasanya pun berbeda.
Tidak jelas asal usul kerancuan ini, tetapi penerjemahan tulisan "spinach" dalam film kartun "Popeye" menjadi 'bayam' memopulerkan kerancuan ini. Penerjemahan itu sendiri dari sudut pandang ilmu gizi tidak terlalu salah karena keduanya sama-sama kaya akan besi dan spinach bukanlah sayuran yang populer di Indonesia.

Bercocok tanam dengan sistem vertikultur atau teknik budidaya tanaman secara vertikal merupakan solusi yang tepat bagi mereka yang mempunyai lahan sempit, karena tanaman akan disusun ke atas secara bertingkat.

Inspirasi Khotbah Jum’at
Tanggal 29 September 2017
Masjid Jami’ Babussalam Gelumbang
Sholat-lah hanya untuk Allah semata!

The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity is a global initiative to inspire action on global education. #LearningGeneration

The Assembly also elected the following 21 Vice-Presidents of its plenary:  Afghanistan, Bolivia, Chile, Finland, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Indonesia, Israel, Liberia, Madagascar, Morocco, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Vanuatu and Zimbabwe.

The theme for this year's debate was chosen by President Miroslav Lajcak as "Focusing on People: Striving for Peace and a Decent Life for All on a Sustainable Planet."

Presiden Majelis Umum PBB adalah sebuah posisi yang dipilih oleh perwakilan Majelis Umum PBB (UNGA) setiap tahun. Periode jabatan ini adalah satu tahun.

VP leads RI delegation to attend UN General Assembly
20th September 2017
In the 72nd UN General Assembly, Indonesia will continue to campaign be accepted as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period 2019-2020.

UNESCO at the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly
Securing top-level political commitment for investment in education and skills to achieve the SDGs is a theme running through the UN General Assembly Week. The Director-General will lead a panel on country-led reform during a high-level side event on “Financing the Future: Education 2030” on 20 September, co-hosted by Norway, France, Malawi and Senegal, with the participation of the UN Secretary General and several Heads of State, in partnership with the Education Commission, UNESCO, UNICEF, the Global Partnership for Education, the Malala Fund and the One Campaign.

Financing the future: Education 2030
September 20, 2017 | 10:30 AM|New York City|
Meanwhile more than 260 million children and adolescents are not in school at all, and many more are in school and not learning.

Percaya deh.. Kalian gak akan terlihat keren apalagi terlihat paling update dengan merekam secara ilegal. #StopPembajakan

15 Sep 2017
Sophie Hares
Freelance Journalist
The future of agriculture could include meat made by plants or grown in factories without farmers


Amish Crafted Monitor Barns

Gambar Titik Refleksi Kaki Kanan dan Kiri Lengkap
Oleh Abdullah Almuttaqien Diposting pada 18 Februari 2017

Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, is an alternative medicine involving application of pressure to the feet and hands with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion.

11 Sep 2017
Adela Suliman
EMEA Editorial Assistant at Reuters.
Indonesia - which has the world's largest Muslim population, according to the Pew Research Center - has launched initiatives, from a phone app showing pilgrims how to enjoy a green Haj, to offsetting carbon emissions from flights by planting trees, and limiting the number of times each person can undertake the pilgrimage, said Firman.

An estimated 3.16 million people made the annual Hajj to Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 2012 (1.4 million Saudis and 1.75 million foreigners)