Sabtu, 16 Mei 2020

The Happiest Life of Unemployment

#HappinessEconomics typically treats such happiness-related measures, rather than wealth, income or profit, as something to be maximized.
Tells the story we have been telling about consumerism in an interesting way.
50 tahun telah berlalu sejak Kennedy (Mantan Presiden AS) berkomentar: "Produk nasional bruto dihitung dengan mengecualikan apa yang membuat hidup berharga."
I've never had less #money and I've never been #happier. The #Bhutanese have it right.
He argued it is the "self-respect and social relationships created by work" being destroyed (Layard 2005, p.67).
Minister of State For Happiness and Wellbeing
Remember that your goals are different from everyone else’s
Great Depression = GNP
Great Lockdown = GNH (?)