Jumat, 28 Desember 2018

Problem = Solution

My Notifications

HKTI (Himpunan Kerukunan Tani Indonesia) adalah sebuah organisasi sosial di Indonesia.

Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia, atau disingkat KADIN Indonesia, adalah organisasi pengusaha Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang perekonomian.

Jaringan Pemantau Kebijakan Pemerintah (JPKP)


09 May 2018
Jeff Desjardins
Founder and editor of Visual Capitalist
0,4/100 × 63,000,000,000,000 USD =
0,4 × 630,000,000,000 USD =
4 × 63,000,000,000 USD =
Jika #Indonesia sebesar 0,4% berarti kisaran 252,000,000,000 USD atau $252 Milyar.
CATATAN: Cek lagi, mungkin saya salah. @UN

27 Jul 2017
Charlotte Edmond
Formative Content
Kimchi is the key.

Kimchi disebut sebagai salah satu dari lima "makanan tersehat di dunia" menurut majalah Health Magazine. Kimchi kaya dengan vitamin, membantu pencernaan, dan kemungkinan dapat mencegah kanker.

29 Foods the World's Healthiest People Eat Every Day

06 Aug 2018
Johnny Wood
Writer, Formative Content
The research looked at 2.7 million business start-ups between 2007 and 2014, and found the average age of people who founded a business and went on to hire at least one employee was 42.

Okay. Now we can make new scenario about… #FutureOfJobs from #FoodWaste problem. And this conclusion like a theory about job's problem.
#ComplexProblemSolving #MYwef


26 Sep 2018
Nellie Peyton
Journalist, Reuters Foundation
Yacouba Sawadogo was the subject of a 2010 documentary called 'The Man Who Stopped the Desert'. | Image: Right Livelihood Award/Mark Dodd



9.37 PM · 23 Des 2018
#Krakatau Volcano

5.25 AM · 24 Des 2018
Wow. This is the volcano “Child of Krakatoa” believed to have caused the Indonesian Tsunami. Video courtesy of Susi Air #tsunami

5.50 AM · 24 Des 2018
Here is @davidlipson's report from AM this morning.

Krakatao Eruption Real Sound (1883) | Need confirmation
Okt 2018

The final explosive eruption was heard 4,830 km (3,000 miles) away, caused at least 36,417 deaths.

On 27 August 1883, the volcano on the island of Krakatoa erupted in a massive explosion, throwing large quantities of ash and dust high into the atmosphere, producing spectacular sunsets and afterglows around the world.
#WilliamAscroft #GlobalOpticalEffects

Senin, 16 Juli 2018 09:35 WIB

List of natural disasters by death toll

The great famine was caused by a combination of adverse weather conditions, social pressure, economic mismanagement, and radical changes in agriculture imposed by government regulations. Mao Zedong, Chinese Communist Party Chairman, introduced drastic changes in farming policy which prohibited farm ownership.

Pemerintah merampas tanah-tanah milik petani pribadi pada 1958 dan membuatnya komunal untuk meningkatkan produksi pertanian.

Great famine of maoist-era china: mass starvation, grain exports, maybe 45 million dead

Over two million people died, either by drowning or by the subsequent famine and epidemics.

Communities along the surrounding coasts of the Indian Ocean were seriously affected, and the tsunamis killed an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries.

Killer Tsunamis

Boxing Day Tsunami

Aktor kawakan asal China yang kini menjadi warga negara Singapore ini telah memproduksi puluhan film box office, baik di China ataupun Hollywood.

2011 Tōhoku Earthquake And Tsunami

Al Jazeera English (Tsunami Dec 2018, Indonesia)

Korban Tsunami Banten

RIP Wibi Aswara Regawa (27/4/1971 - 24/12/2018)

RIP Ali Shahab (Jakarta 22/9/1941 - Jakarta 25/12-2018)


#BintangKetjil (1963) direstorasi Pusbang Film. Saat peluncurannya bertemu putra-putri sut WimUmboh, Maria n Willy, di CGV FX Slasa 18/12

Indra Q


Sekeluarnya dari Kopassus, Agus sempat bergabung dengan Resimen Tjakrabirawa atau Pasukan Pengawal Presiden RI Soekarno.
Dijelaskan dalam buku 'Bagimu Negeri, Jiwa Raga Kami' karya Bob Heryanto Hernoto, Agus kemudian ditarik Benny Moerdani untuk bergabung di unit intelijen Kostrad.

Hmmm... Taste like #CrazyGrandpa, or #SexyGrandpa?
Ini baru seksih…
Hard as a Rock
Anything Goes

Masih berkelas seperti dulu (Nadya Hutagalung)

The Nest (40sqm)
CATATAN: Kayaknya dulu pernah cek bukan di Vietnam, deh. Apa saya yang salah, ya?

Ngeri, ah! Bisa joget gitu, ya?

Playboy cap Truk

Gila! Modal banget, ya?

Anti Macet

Bus Sekolah Drug Racing

Keren alat Polisi

Ikan terbang

Asyik ini mainannya (air)

Seru juga, ya? Begitu cara ambil buah…

Wadidaw sopirnya

Gaya amat ini Sopir


Iseng banget, sih!

Buat lomba 17-an seru juga ini

Bikin stick kacang


Motor Tiarap

Menantu Durhaka

Jangan ngeker sembarangan


Pocongnya kabur

Yassaman budak Mano ini?

Nah lho…

Ekspresinya itu, lho

Enakan zaman Pak Harto (Wawancara)
