Jumat, 04 Mei 2018

Innovation Policy Center

10.52 PM · 3 Mei 2018
#KidnapKatrina #Biru
Bisa juga kita sebut bahwa album #KidnapKatrina masuk kategori #Cult. @KoesTheMovie
Kesepian adalah lagu yang di-aransemen oleh #KidnapKatrina dari karya Tonny Koeswoyo. Jadi menarik sebab gitaris band ini adalah Damon Koeswoyo (putra Tonny).
Jika segalanya berjalan lancar, maka film tersebut akan dirilis pada tanggal  29 September 2016. @KoesTheMovie
CATATAN: Jika sudah tayang, pasti kedengaran. Masalahnya, se-level Koes Plus masak gak kedengaran, sih?
Ini lagu “di dalam Bui” dari musik klip film “Ambisi”. Kayaknya ini pakek kamera 16mm, deh. #Tebakan
Versi lainnya dari klip “di dalam Bui”. Yang menarik itu kaos-nya, lho. Asli malam ini saya pakai kaos dengan model yang sama. Kaos yang masuk dalam sejarah T-Shirt Indonesia. Buat saya kaos tersebut adalah #Icon.
@Kidnap_Katrina @KoesTheMovie


Goyang apa, nih?

Eeehh si eyang ditungguin malah bikin penasaran. Katanya, kalau mau lihat penampakan eyang dari depan, tunggu OFFICIAL TEASER TRAILER yg akan rilis beberapa hari lagi di @LifeLikePictrs ! #SiapSableng #SintoGendeng #RuthMarini  #WiroSableng #FilmIndonesia


Mahasiswa Rantau, Kampus UI, dan Trik Mendapat Beasiswa.


Cambodia 2017 : Rethinking Regional Trade

Cambodia 2017 : Digital Start Up ASEAN

3.41 AM · 3 Mei 2018
Keywords #InnovationPolicyCenter. Flashback from “Cambodia 2017 : @ASEAN in the #4iR”. @aseanstrategic @wef

3.32 AM · 3 Mei 2018
This is trivial’s thing, but I guess, hashtag for 4th Industrial Revolution must be like this #4iR. Cause sometime, we confuse between “i” and “l”. Isn’t it?

Kepanjangan, pengertian, dan definisi – apa itu CEO, CFO, CMO, COO, dan CTO?

CEO = Chief Executive Officer = Direktur Utama

CMO = Chief Marketing Officer = Direktur Marketing

COO = Chief Operating Officer = Direktur Operasional = Direktur Produksi

CFO = Chief Financial Officer = Direktur Keuangan

CTO = Chief Technology Officer = Direktur Teknologi (?)

KESIMPULAN… Struktur organisasi-nya begini. Saya kira hanya CEO dan COO saja.  Jadi sebenarnya, agak sulit @MovieNumbers punya #COO. Website tersebut bisa dibilang koran-nya para analis perfilman, jadi struktur organisasi-nya ya mirip suratkhabar. Ada Pemred, Editor, Sirkulasi dan yang terpenting urusan Teknologi.


2.39 AM · 11 Okt 2014
Box Office Mojo is down, inducing cardiac arrest in every film reporter in Hollywood.

JEFF LABRECQUE October 13, 2014 at 02:39 PM EDT
Box Office Mojo is back online, and its editor isn't taking questions


List of most expensive domain names




16 Jan 2018
Whitney Leach
Formative Content


Mexicans work far longer days than anyone else. They spends 2,255 hours at work per year – the equivalent of around 43 hours per week.

Greeks work the longest hours in Europe, at an average 2,035 hours per year.

German workers put in a comparatively meagre 1,363 hours per year.

17 Mar 2017
Alex Gray
Formative Content


Danish Lifestyle choices are reflected in their attitudes, as recorded by the survey.

“Money is not as important in the social life here as, for example, Britain and America. We probably spend our money differently. We don’t buy big houses or big cars, we like to spend our money on socializing with others,” says Professor of Economics Christian Bjørnskov from Aarhus Business School.

Denmark, yang menganut konsep ekonomi kapitalis pasar campuran sekaligus kesejahteraan sosial, adalah negara yang memiliki pendapatan tertinggi di dunia. Berdasarkan majalah Forbes, Denmark adalah negara yang memiliki iklim bisnis terbaik.

Denmark is also the birthplace of one of the world's most popular toys, Lego. There is no other better place in the world where one can buy Lego bricks than at the Legoland theme park in Billund.

“My life is a lovely story, happy and full of incident.” — Hans Christian Andersen

Another trait of Danish culture as any tourist pamphlet will tell you, is "Hygge", translating into cosy or snug.

Another important aspect of Danish culture, is understatement and modesty. (Mungkin maksudnya, praktis; ringkes; efisien; dsb)

Susanne Bier is the third Danish director to win an Oscar for Best Foreign Language film. Previous Danish winners count Gabriel Axel's "Babette's Feast" in 1988 and Bille August's "Pelle the Conqueror" in 1989.

Anton (Mikael Persbrandt) adalah seorang dokter berkebangsaan Swedia yang melakukan perjalanan pulang-pergi dari rumahnya di Denmark dan tempat praktiknya di sebuah kamp pengungsian di Sudan.

Anton menikah dengan Marianne (Trine Dryholm), tetapi mereka saling menjauh, dan bergumul dengan kemungkinan adanya perceraian dikarenakan hubungan gelap Anton dengan wanita lain.

They have two young sons, the older one being 12-year-old Elias (Markus Rygaard).

Christian (William Jøhnk Juels Nielsen), who has just moved from London with his father, Claus (Ulrich Thomsen), is a new boy at Elias' school.

Elias is bullied at school, until he is defended by Christian, who assaults the main bully and threatens him with a knife.

Director Susanne Bier said: "Our experiment in this film is about looking at how little it really takes before a child – or an adult – thinks something is deeply unjust. It really doesn't take much, and I find that profoundly interesting. And scary."


The noun hygge includes something nice, cozy, safe and known, referring to a psychological state.

So what is Danish Hygge?

1 DKK = 2.260,70423 IDR @Google May 3, 2018 (06.30)

Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax) 43,527,809.22 IDR

Life in Denmark

Danes do not tend to make a lot of new friends of any background after they finish their studies. (CATATAN: Seperti sudut pandang lain)

Study in Denmark


ASEAN diversity: Southeast Asian electricity plugs (via Seasia)