CATATAN: Sedang menterjemahkan lagu ini, pakai hati. Sulit juga, lho. Paham artinya, tapi memilih kata yang pas dalam Bahasa Indonesia itu masalahnya. #Diksi
@Musixmatch @wikipedia @idwiki
There is Always One More Time is the thirty-second studio album by B.B. King released in 1991.
Lagu ini ada di opening film “Bowfinger” (1999). Uniknya, di scene itu Betsy the Dog bahkan menjauh dari Bowfinger yang sedang membaca skenario. Sinkron dengan lirik… Please don't walk away. Seakan menjelaskan… Bahkan Betsy (anjing milik Bowfinger) tak percaya dengan “Sutradara Kere” ini. Menjadi geli tatkala di adegan lain Bowfinger menjawab telpon sambil berkata… “BOWFINGER INTERNATIONAL PICTURE!”. LOL
If your whole life somehow
(Pabila hidupmu yang entah)
Wasn't much 'til now
Wasn't much 'til now
(Berasa tak menentu)
And you've almost lost
And you've almost lost
(Dan kau nyaris tersesat)
Your will to live
Your will to live
(Di pencarian hidup)
No matter what you've been through
(Apapun yang telah kau lalui)
Long as there's breath in you
Long as there's breath in you
(Selama kau masih bernafas)
There is always one more time
There is always one more time
(Selalu ada kesempatan)
And if your dreams go bad
And if your dreams go bad
(Pabila mustahil raih mimpimu)
Every one that you've had
Every one that you've had
(Ingat semua mereka di hatimu)
That don't mean that some dreams
That don't mean that some dreams
(Bukan berarti impian tersebut)
Can't come true
Can't come true
(Tak mungkin terwujud)
'Cause it's funny about dreams
(Memang aneh namanya impian)
As strange as it seems
As strange as it seems
(B’rasa mustahil dicapai)
There is always one more time
There is always one more time
(Namun selalu ada kesempatan)
Oh turnin' corners
Oh turnin' corners
(Oh perenungan)
Is only a state of mind
Is only a state of mind
(sekedar kegelisahan)
Keeping your eyes closed
Keeping your eyes closed
(Tapi menutup mata)
Is worse than being blind
Is worse than being blind
(Lebih buruk dibanding buta)
If there's a heart out there
If there's a heart out there
(Pabila ada rindu di sana)
Looking for someone to share
Looking for someone to share
(Mencari hati tuk berbagi)
I don't care if it's been
I don't care if it's been
(Tak peduli yang tlah lalu)
Turned down time and time again
Turned down time and time again
(Kecilkan nyali berulang kali)
And if we meet one day
(Dan bila perjumpaan tiba)
Please don't walk away
Please don't walk away
(Tolong jangan menjauh)
'Cause there is always one more time
'Cause there is always one more time
(Karena selalu ada peluang)
There is always one more time
There is always one more time
(Selalu ada kesempatan)
King was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987, and is considered one of the most influential blues musicians of all time, earning the nickname "The King of the Blues", and one of the "Three Kings of the Blues Guitar" along with Albert King and Freddie King.
Saya mengenal blues ketika SMA, karena apa, karena salah satu teman memiliki gitar asli Jepang. Dia mengenalkan juga gitar lain dari Belanda yang dipakai musisi tua untuk lagu Keroncong. Pengenalan blues dimulai, meski jujur saja, hal tersebut saya lakukan sekedar ikut-ikutan (biar gaya).
Namun lama-lama blues ini mempunyai sesuatu yang sulit ditemukan di musik lain. Kalau kata saya, blues ibarat “dangdut”-nya orang Amerika. Ini musik suara hati, yang sering saya istilahkan dengan istilah “soul”.
Berdasarkan obrolan tongkrongan (dulu) tanpa ada google, kami mengimajinasikan blues itu ibarat musik para budak di telenovela “Little Missy”. Inget, kan?
Makin kemari dengan latar belakang ekonomi, saya pun mengimajinasikan lagu ini secara visual di zaman...
CATATAN: Dari foto-foto kita bisa belajar, betapa sulitnya zaman itu.