Sabtu, 09 Desember 2017

Looking for "Platform" in Management Term
O you who have believed, decreed upon you is FASTING (puasa) as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous -
And of the people is he who sells himself, seeking means to THE APPROVAL OF ALLAH (ridho Allah). And Allah is kind to [His] servants.

For example, 48 people in a world of 100 would be living on less than $2 a day and just seven would have a college education
06 Dec 2017
Laura Oliver
The platform conforms to a set of STANDARDS that enable software developers to develop software applications for the platform.
PLATFORMS LIKE SALESFORCE, Adobe Marketing Cloud, HubSpot, Demandware or Workday fit this definition — as does, of course, the “uber-platform” in SaaS today, AWS.

3 Steps For Creating Half A Trillion Dollars
Barry Libert and Megan Beck
Nov 28, 2016 10:24 AM 1.199
Facebook now owns your most important assets. No, not your plant, property, and equipment, but your people—YOUR CUSTOMERS, YOUR EMPLOYEES, YOUR INVESTORS.
While corporate leaders have spent, decades focused on products, services and financial results, Facebook has spent billions CREATING A PLATFORM that enabled each one of us to share anytime and anywhere. 
Namun pada tulisan Forbes di atas, kesannya platform semacam "wadah di dunia maya".

Scientists have found a drug that can repair cavities and REGROW TEETH
17 Oct 2017
Kara Lant
Freelance Writer and Editor
"ENGGAK BOLEH ADA MEREKnya, belum dibayar sama mereknya. Sekali posting sekarang, kalau kata Rani Rp150 juta, kalau youtube 500," kata Syahrini dengan gaya bicaranya yang manja. 

Mengenal Jerusalem, Kota Suci Tiga Agama
Kamis, 7 Desember 2017 | 15:09 WIB
JERUSALEM, dalam bahasa Ibrani disebut YERUSHALAYIM, dan dalam bahasa Arab disebut AL QUDS. 

Inspirasi Khotbah Jum'at
8 Desember 2017
Masjid Jami' Babussalam Gelumbang
"Salah satu tauladan Rasulullah SAW ialah PERKATAANNYA YANG MENYEJUKKAN PIKIRAN"

What is a central bank?
13 Nov 2017
Sophie Hardach
What is the role of central bankers, and why can they move entire financial markets with a SINGLE WORD?
Investors generally want central bankers to be STABLE and PREDICTABLE. 

Girls are unstoppable. Watch these girls conquer fear in @always’ new #LikeAGirl PSA

The revolution will be boring, the future of work and other top stories of the week
08 Dec 2017
Adrian Monck
Head of Public and Social Engagement, Member of the Managing Board, World Economic Forum Geneva

Nationalism and Conflict: Lessons from International Sports
Andrew D Bertoli
International Studies Quarterly
27 November 2017
Emotions over the sporting event CHANGED PUBLIC OPINION, and leaders then had to respond.
Copyright © 2017 Oxford University Press
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