Rabu, 10 Mei 2017

Humble in #4iR

Meluruskan Pemahaman soal "Disruption" - Kompas.com - Rumah Perubahan | Rumah Perubahan

Disruption mengubah banyak hal sedemikian rupa, sehingga cara-cara bisnis lama menjadi OBSOLETE. Menjadi usang atau ketinggalan zaman.

Kata orang bijak, belajar itu sejatinya menjelajahi tiga fase: learn, unlearn, relearn.

Pertama, disruption berakibat PENGHEMATAN BANYAK BIAYA melalui proses bisnis yang menjadi lebih simpel.

Kedua, ia membuat KUALITAS apapun yang dihasilkannya LEBIH BAIK ketimbang yang sebelumnya. Kalau lebih buruk, jelas itu bukan disruption.

Ketiga, disruption berpotensi MENCIPTAKAN PASAR BARU.

Keempat, produk/jasa hasil disruption ini harus LEBIH MUDAH DIAKSES atau dijangkau oleh para penggunanya.

Kelima, disruption membuat segala sesuatu kini menjadi SERBA SMART.

Wurry Parluten di Twitter: @rumah_perubahan @Rhenald_Kasali
Bukannya kita sepakat meng-disrupsi diri, Prof? #Adaptable 😊

Ini tulisan yang menenangkan. Jadi menarik sebab selaras dengan pernyataan POPE untuk menyambut era #4iR, keyword-nya HUMBLE. Pope selalu menarik berkaitan dengan science, jadi ingat sekitaran 1996-1997 dia mendukung TEORI EVOLUSI.

Wurry Parluten di Twitter:
Its true. 😊

These four characteristics show you're emotionally intelligent | World Economic Forum

20 Apr 2017

Kimberly A. Barchard Associate Professor in Quantitative Psychology, University of Nevada

Jose M. MestreProfessor of Emotion and Motivation, University of Cadiz

1. You think about your reactions
2. You see situations as a challenge
3. You can modify your emotions
4. You can put yourself in other people’s shoes

World Economic Forum di Twitter
Scientists have discovered why some people are 'super-agers'  #ageing

12 Apr 2017
Erin Brodwin

The researchers screened more than 1,000 people, less than 5% of whom qualified as BONA-FIDE SUPER-AGERS.

World Economic Forum di Twitter:
"Coal mining jobs aren’t coming back. But CLEAN #ENERGY is already creating millions of new ones"

26 Apr 2017
Alex Gray
Formative Content.

The report defines ADVANCED ENERGY as “a broad range of technologies, products, and services that constitute the best available technologies for meeting ENERGY NEEDS today and tomorrow”.

Formative Content di Twitter: How to engage your audience with EFFECTIVE STORYTELLING

3rd November 2016/in Content Marketing/by Melissa Valente

That means they are considerably more engaging, persuasive and memorable, and that’s why they are a POWERFUL MARKETING TOOL.

Di Rumah Perubahan, Hidup Rhenald Terasa Lebih Tenang - Kompas.com

Di jalan, saya dan istri dipanggil sama anak-anak kampung 'PAK GURU'. Hidup saya nyaman, banyak teman," tutup Rhenald sambil menebarkan senyum.

World Economic Forum di Twitter:
Not sleeping? You might be part of a genetic elite

06 Apr 2017
Alex Gray
Formative Content

The study looked at a group of people who are able to survive – and even thrive – on barely any sleep, and found that members of this group had something in common: a mutation in a gene called DEC2.

The HEIST FILM is a subgenre of the crime film. It focuses on the planning, execution, and aftermath of a theft. Versions with dominant or prominent comic elements are often called CAPER MOVIES.

World Economic Forum di Twitter: Ordinary people have lost faith in the system. Here's what leaders can do

25 Apr 2017
Ngaire Woods
Dean, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Instead, world leaders must leave their echo chamber, take ordinary people’s concerns seriously, diversify their views, and think about why so many have lost faith in the system.

Wurry Parluten di Twitter:
Global Trust Crisis

2017 Edelman TRUST BAROMETER Reveals Global Implosion of Trust


BREAKING - [video] U.S. and South Korean navy in formation! North Korea warns China!

These 5 languages will help you stand out the most.

20 Mar 2017
EF International Language Centers

...spoken by an estimated 1.5 BILLION SPEAKERS (and with another billion in class right now), English really is the “world’s language”. But besides English, what other languages can help you get ahead?

1. Mandarin Chinese
2. French
3. Spanish
4. German
5. Portugese

World Economic Forum di Twitter:
The 11 best economies in the world to live in, according the the UN

31 Mar 2017
Leanna Garfield
Reporter, Tech Insider

11. The United States
10. Canada
9. Iceland
8. Ireland
7. The Netherlands
6. Singapore
5. Denmark
4. Germany
3. Switzerland
2. Australia
1. Norway

22 photos that will change how you see China | World Economic Forum

07 Apr 2017
Tom Murray
Digital Fellow, Business Insider

Masih seputar pembelajaran tentang DISRUPTIF dan HUMBLE. Ternyata disruptif itu dekat dengan yang namanya inovasi, atau mungkin disruptif itu bagian dari inovasi. Jadi mungkin ada inovasi yang model A, model B, hingga ada inovasi yang sifatnya disruptif. Dari sisi ekonomi, inovasi disruptif ini lebih ke memprioritaskan konsumen, kira-kira begitu.