Senin, 08 Agustus 2022

Food Loss and Waste


5 Komunitas Ini Kumpulkan Sampah Makanan Sisa, Ada yang Dari Indonesia | Devi Setya - detikFood | Minggu, 22 Des 2019
Eksperimennya berjalan dengan baik, menginspirasi beberapa Kawan yang bertemu di lokasi pasar. Malah dipotret sama TNI segala, lho. Gak tau masuk majalah mana, @Puspen_TNI.
Food loss and waste is food that is not eaten. The causes of food waste or loss are numerous and occur throughout the...
(1) Food System,
(2) During Production,
(3) Processing,
(4) Distribution,
(5) Retail,
(6) Food Service Sales,
(7) and Consumption.
Food Waste Restaurant (Senin, 01 Januari 2018)
Menjadi unik lantaran di satu sisi kita fokus ke Food Security (Ketahanan Pangan), di sisi lain ada yang namanya Food Loss and Waste.
On OLIO, you’ll find millions of people giving away food & other household items to their neighbours, all for free.
Tekeya app (Egypt)
lets bakeries, restaurants, grocery stores and dessert shops sell their fresh unsold food at half price.
These 3 smartphone apps are helping to reduce food waste around the globe. Here’s how | Jun 15, 2022 | Victoria Masterson; Senior Writer, Formative Content | #PreventionOfFoodWaste
Too Good To Go app (United Kingdom) lets shoppers buy and collect surplus food at discounted prices from local restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores and food manufacturers.
Toilet is a piece of sanitary hardware that collects human urine and feces, and sometimes toilet paper, usually for disposal.
(1) Dry Toilet,
(2) Flush Toilet.
They can be designed for a sitting position...
(a) Toilet Seat,
(b) Squat Toilet.
Black Water adalah air limbah yang memiliki kandungan organik, berasal dari buangan biologis seperti kakus.
The Boondock Saints is a 1999 vigilante action thriller film.
Casana is re-inventing in-home health monitoring technologies that provide clinicians with data to do what is best for their patients.
What smart toilet seats reveal about digital health's evolution | Feb 2, 2022 | Simon Torkington; Senior Writer, Formative Content
IMAGE: Latihan Pemotretan Cimory. Btw ini selfie, ya? (Geleng-geleng kepala anak kelas 2 SD zaman now).
Grup perusahaan Cimory dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi dua bisnis inti yang terintegrasi;
(1) FMCG Berbasis Protein,
(2) dan Pariwisata.