Kamis, 03 Januari 2019

Global Debt Database

#1 Ewi-Ayah dan @wef
#2 Imi naik pesawat terbang
#3 Uyi dan film rating 13+


This is #RandiZ

There are 3 things to mapping mind keyword #globalization:
#1 Trade
#2 Idea
#3 Culture

Note from @wef @davos 2016...

Want to learn #telepresence in this article from Prof. @BaldwinRE?
I guess, this video clip from @aperfectcircle can explain…

#GlobalDebt | Publish APRIL #IMFBlog
For 2017, we divided up countries into three groups based on their debt profile and here’s what we found:
#1 Advanced economies
#2 Emerging market economies
#3 Low-income developing countries
NOTE: I guess, deadline on April but publish (perhaps) May 2019. Its about 2018 #GlobalDebtDatabase.

22 Dec 2018
Richard Baldwin
Professor of International Economics, Graduate Institute, Geneva

Globalization 1.0 was pre-World War 1 globalization, which was launched by a historic drop in trade costs when steam and other forms of mechanical power made it economical to consume goods made faraway.

Globalization 2.0 is the post-World War II phase where trade in goods was combined with complementary domestic policies that helped share the pains and gains of globalization (and automation).

Globalization 3.0 is what I called the second unbundling, or the New Globalization.

Globalization 4.0 is going to hit the service sector. Hundreds of millions of service-sector and professional workers in advanced economies will - for the first time ever - be exposed to the challenges and opportunities of globalization.

Globalisasi adalah proses integrasi internasional yang terjadi karena pertukaran pandangan dunia, produk, pemikiran, dan aspek-aspek kebudayaan lainnya.

Pada tahun 2000, Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) mengidentifikasi empat aspek dasar globalisasi: perdagangan dan transaksi, pergerakan modal dan investasi, migrasi dan perpindahan manusia, dan pembebasan ilmu pengetahuan.

Peta kabel telegraf bawah laut milik Eastern Telegraph Company tahun 1901. Inilah contoh globalisasi teknologi modern pada awal abad ke-20.

Istilah globalisasi' diambil dari kata globalize yang mengacu pada kemunculan jaringan sistem sosial dan ekonomi berskala internasional.

What is Globalization?


Made in China in 5 Minutes?

Service Businessman Idea

Service Sector

The 2019 Annual Meeting will take place on 22-25 January in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland.
