Jumat, 19 Oktober 2018

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Kakuma Impact Expedition


@danieldokter | Gonna put all my 2018 movie-going experience with capsule reviews in this thread. #MyMovieJournal

Dewa Budjana

Les Quatre Cents Coups

François Roland Truffaut

Jean-Luc Godard

Le Livre d'image

Goodbye to Language

"'Fight Club 3' is about what happens when you need to team up with your enemy," Palahniuk said in a release.

"Mereka memintaku mengerjakan Fight Club. Mereka mengirimkan naskahnya, dan Ed [Edward Norton] dan Brad Pitt menulis 'kami pikir kau benar-benar harus melakukan hal ini'. Kukatakan pada mereka, 'tidak, aku tak bisa'. Aku hanya tak bisa,"

Ilustrasi: Ruas tol Palindra - SRIPOKU.COM/BERI SUPRIYADI

#VinaPanduwinata dan Ciri Khas Make-Up Horor Indonesia | Suzzanna Bernapas Dalam Kubur

Bloomberg predicts that Gen Z-ers will account for 2.47 billion people of the 7.7 billion inhabitants of planet Earth by 2019.

Kebetulan ada BANTUAN MATERI untuk menonton 2 film, sehingga hari Kamis ini bisa menikmati 1 @FILM_Indonesia dan 1 film @AFMOFFICIAL. #KamisKeBioskop
Halloween (2018)
Generasi Micin versus Kevin (2018)

Just selfie in front of this poster. #GlassTheMovie
NOTE: Taste like… There are protagonist, antagonist, in-between. Am I right? Make me have conclusion… This movie very psychological for analyse.


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