Rabu, 14 November 2018


“Batavia” adalah salah satu kantor pusat dari perusahaan multinasional terbesar sepanjang sejarah. #VOC

The Dutch East India Company (also known by the abbreviation “VOC” in Dutch), the world's first formally listed public company, started off as a spice trader. In 1602 the VOC undertook the world's first recorded IPO. "Going public" enabled the company to raise the vast sum of 6.5 million guilders quickly.

Ruben Schalk, history student at the Universiteit Utrecht, discovered (2010) the so far oldest share certificate in the world in the Westfries Archief in Hoorn. The certificate dates from 9 September 1606 and was issued by the VOC-chamber Enkhuizen. It was sold to Pieter Hermanszoon Boode. The second page records the payments of dividend.

This is in the possession of a group of German investors, who are offering it for sale for an astronomous amount. It remains a mystery how the document ended up in Germany.

Ini menarik, membuat saya berasumsi bahwa ada hubungan dengan “Hitler”. Terlepas akurat atau tidak.

Soon afterwards, in 1602, the Dutch East India Company issued the first shares that were made tradeable on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, an invention that enhanced the ability of joint-stock companies to attract capital from investors as they now easily could dispose of their shares. The Dutch East India Company became the first multinational corporation and the first megacorporation.


But it was the VOC’s desire for vast wealth – and their subsequent greed – that saw the company go bankrupt 200 years after it was formed.
Despite their communal greed – or perhaps because of it – the Dutch East India Company was fast becoming the richest and most ruthless private company the world had ever seen. Extortion and violent suppression remained its hallmark.
The end was in sight. Perhaps it was karma. By 1799, the Dutch East India Company had become the victim of its own corruption – and went spectacularly bankrupt.
Brutal or not, the Dutch East India Company had been a roaring financial success.

Inilah buruknya VOC, rakus yang mengarah ke korupsi. Memunculkan pertanyaan, bagaimana cara agar sebuah perusahaan bisa tetap bertahan tanpa harus memakai cara #megacorporation? Atau barangkali, kemunculan START UP di era sekarang adalah antitesis dari sifat MEGACORPORATION ini, ya?


In the screenplay, the Black Pearl is easily recognized by her distinctive black hull and sails. Captained by Jack Sparrow she is said to be "nigh uncatchable". Indeed, in the first three films she either overtakes or flees all other ships, including the Interceptor (regarded as the fastest ship in the Caribbean) and the Flying Dutchman (which is actually faster against the wind). Her (?) speed is derived from the large amount of sails she carries. Type
East Indiaman

Jadi jelas sudah bahwa kapalnya Jack Sparrow, “Black Pearl” (yang dia hidupkan dari kematian, anggap saja) adalah bagian dari East India Company (EIC).


Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Kapal ini memang terinspirasi dari mitos kapal hantu milik VOC. #DeVliegendeHollander


Tentang kapal-kapal lain, bisa cek di link atas.


#TheOldTownOfJakarta UNESCO
Bukan hanya #SejarahBisnisIndonesia sebenarnya, malahan “Sejarah Perusahaan Multinasional Kelas Dunia”.


VOC is the first historical model of the multinational corporation (or transnational corporation) in its modern sense.

Yang bikin optimis sebenarnya tentang perusahaan multinasional itu, lho. Kalau VOC saja bisa, mengapa Indonesia di zaman sekarang tidak? Mindset tentang kejayaan masa lalu ini yang perlu digali lagi, sehingga Indonesia pun bisa punya perusahaan multinasional (pribumi) yang levelnya melebihi VOC (harapannya begitu).


Asal muasal, kenapa kita menyebutnya dengan istilah DUIT, ya dari koin VOC. @idwiki
